Saturday, February 20, 2010



da puas ati dah smpai. rse pnat sume gone. hahahah!! tp yg ta best ta dpt mndi laut la. time tue air tgah pasang. boring betul la. ta dapt mndi maen-maen dgn air pown jd la kan. :)
ape-ape hal rock jew la. i and my bros pg jugak maen dkt tp pntai tue. keje aku menyeSNAP pic jew la. ade camera ape gune kan. so kite enjoy. peacefull!!!! hilangkan rase pnat tue. bayu lauk mnyenangkan jiwa dan raga. CEHH!!!

on the way to holiday. where?

20 feb 2010:
my prents take a leave to go to holiday. in the first time in 2010 my family go to holiday. HAPPY GLEW WEY!! on the way we got to the place so many thing happend. :(
yup the JALAN MACAM ULAR. Pening kepale , rase nak tmuntah. mcm2 la.sampaikan kteorg sume da tlentok tido. jauh sgt. sket my b*****k. hahahahha!! smpai kan kiteorg bgaduh sbb sempit. yela msing-masing dah besarkan. so fham-fham la bdan-badan tue. yup!! heheheh
time tdo tue ta ingat dunia kuar sume dlm mulut nie. fham-faham la air l**r b**i.(laugh)
pakian time tue sempoi jew la. yela dduk dlm kete jew la kan. so ta dew bnda nak di tyangkan.


p/s: before nak pegi holiday jgan lupe buat perancangan dulu yer!! PEACE

Thursday, February 18, 2010

student nurse wannabe staff nurse


Bile dah ta dew keje cmnie la jd nye. Student become a staff nurse.
When time so boring we will do a job that not make we boring in ward.
sometime we took advantage to relax in skill lab.
noty btul kiteorg. Cmnie la baru boleh nak enjoy study.
sometime assisted bath jd tmpat kteorg relax jap
staff di depan buat keje kiteorg lpak
:) ^-^V "peace staff nurse"

crazy time has come

tick tock- ain, hunny, nad, faizah

As a student, when have a stress time they will become crazy. especially when exam is over. waaahhh!!! they really like it. yup!! as a student nurse pure sciense is "wajib" to learn. It hard to learn but in the same time it enjoy to learn it. Anatomy and physiology.

p/s: i snap this pic. as a photografer :)

love twinssss

hurm!! tell me wht?? i meet the twins of the malaysian's football.. waahhh!! i really enjoy to meet him. but malangnye mmber dye yg laen merajok sbb kteorg tidak lyan mereka. so sad:(
but it oke i'll miss u all

*time tue mmg tidak di rancang. ade la a person nie kecoh about them so ape lg kiteorg pg ke hotel sblah college. time tue dyeorg tgah warming up. mlam tue jgak i col mama. kecoh stu umah. mama ckap jgan brangan la.:)

p/s: dpt jmpe live lg tue. meet their coach. heheheh!!! love u all

^-^v brothers

my younger brothers
hard to take care of them
very talkative
very noty
i love them

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

talk eat gossip

:Just around the corner of the Selangor Specialist:



After work 1st place we always go is KFC:)
yup smbil makan bercerite and do anything la yg kiteorg suke
lg pown kiteorg slalu mntak free food yela ade org knal kan.

p/s: gossip about the hospital jew:)


:) hang out with them have so much fun. yeah it different in the class and posting. so we take this advantage to back late from the time.(laugh)
atte, nad, qila, me, sha

SHIT!! train yg last , 12midnight arrive(shah alam) no taxi, just waiting until taxi arrive
(hang out without a plan)



*syok mmg la syok jgak. smpai kan train yg last kteorg naek. (laugh) nsib baek umah kteorg ta dew warden.

skill lab time:)

time skill lab just hanging around. but have so much fun:)

skill lab in hospital


Selangor specialist is my 1st posting. Yela 1st time msuk hospital mcm2 yg akan berlaku. In hospital we need to take care of patients. A lot of patient. From what we learned in class we practice it in hospital. Best glew la. First time orientation mcm2 tmpat kiteorg tau. :))
Senior nilai. dyeorg skrg dah jd staff nurse.



Mama n ayah

love them fucking damn much

KPJ Intenational College

In class all my friend i treat as brother and sister. They r really awesome. Love them so much.

Friend in list:
1. afiqah mahrum
2. faizah
3. atte
4. nad
5. khairatul
6. dieba
7. marieya
8. dayah
9. raihana
10. jaan
11. fendi
12. hany
13. sam
15. mie

*ramai lg. 96 people. sory ta mention name

my first blog :))

yup!!. this my 1st blog. Btw, i'm nur shuhaida binti hamdan. My dad give me that name.(laugh)
Now i'm studying in J.B as a student nurse wannabe in KPJ International College Johor Branch.
Nurses is not my life sebenarnya, but nak buat cmne kn da dapat. Under gov lg duit. Elaun pown ade:)) RM621.21 a month. Masyuk glew.

*itu yg sbnarnye aku fkir. Lg satu sng nak dpt keje(laugh)...